Oficjalny serwis internetowy Miasta Bielsk Podlaski


Our Town


To the south of the capital of Podlaskie Voivodeship and of the River Narew, near Białowieża Forest and on the territory of the Green Lungs of Poland there is a town of 27 thousand inhabitants, the fifth largest town in Podlaskie Voivodeship, the town of Bielsk Podlaski.

The town can be proud of its rich history as it is one of the oldest towns in Podlasie – the very first piece of evidence about a burg upon the River Biała comes from the 13th century. Here, many centuries ago, settlers from Kievan Rus wandered and encountered settlers from Masovia. The borderland between the areas of influence of Eastern and Western Slavs was the reason why the burg often changed hands. Because of its location on the route from Cracow to Lithuania Bielsk’s castle played host to Polish kings and Lithuanian princes very often. Also, it was not forgotten during military expeditions and campaigns, which brought ruin and devastation to the town.

Despite all this, there are still a few structures with historical importance in the town.

Bielsk Podlaski connects people of different cultures and religions. It still remains to be a town of diversity and versatility, miscellanies which exist together and complement one another. Thus, Orthodox Christian, Roman Catholic and Protestant communities live in harmony with each other and religious celebrations take place on two different dates – according to the Julian calendar and to the Gregorian calendar, and as a result of this, holiday atmosphere lasts longer in the town.

As well as Poles, the town of Bielsk Podlaski is inhabited by Belarusian and Ukrainian national minorities, which have every opportunity to maintain and cherish their culture and customs, and to celebrate their traditions during local holidays, festivals and cultural events. The place where Polish culture meets the culture of the national minorities is Bielsk Arts and Cultural Centre. The Centre exerts considerable influence on the integration of a rich cultural mosaic by supporting the organization of numerous festivals, concerts and competitions. It is worthwhile to go on a visit to Bielsk Podlaski to “Canticle”, a Children’s and Youth Festival of Christmas Carols and Modern Pastorals, “Podlasie Note”, an International Song Contest which is held within the framework of Bielsk Days, “Podlasie Octave of Cultures” an International Festival of Music, Art, and Folklore, “Bards’ Autumn” a Festival of Belarusian sung poetry and singer-songwriters, or “Podlasie Autumn” a Ukrainian Culture Festival. The museums of Bielsk Podlaski also play an important role in the popularization of regional culture.

Its historic wealth and its cherishing of traditions do not impede the development process of the town, a town that changes its face year by year. New constructions are being erected in the town often. For example, the public swimming pool, one of the very first in the region, the municipal landfill site, and the water treatment plant. With the help of funds from the European Union it was possible to improve the thermal efficiency of several school buildings. At the same time the richness of colours on housing estates being refurbished makes the town special and unique. Furthermore, owing to the funds from the European Union and the town’s own funds kilometers of streets are being modernized by the installation of comprehensive municipal utility infrastructure, with road surfaces, car parks and pavements.

The town of Bielsk Podlaski is famous for its dynamic economic activities and vigorous enterprises. Numerous Bielsk companies operate successfully, establishing a solid position in Podlasie, but there are also companies which are renowned in Western Europe, Scandinavian countries, and also in Russia – Moscow and Saint Petersburg. These are mainly house building companies, general construction and road construction companies, food manufacturing and processing companies dealing with milk, meat and fish, and commercial networks.

International cooperation reaps considerable rewards in the age of globalization. The town has entered into partnership agreements with towns from the European Union and Eastern Europe. For the last several years Bielsk Podlaski has been the initiator of cooperation in the sphere of cultural, sport, and youth exchanges, organizing summer holidays and providing the townspeople with events during which they familiarize themselves with the culture and customs of other nations. In cooperation with its foreign partners the town of Bielsk Podlaski endeavours to obtain economic support from European Union funds to put into practice joint actions. Within the framework of the “Europe for Citizens” programme, together with three partner towns, it has become possible to realize action aimed at exchanges of experience between local authorities in cooperation. To the benefit of a Moldavian partner it was possible to realize an investment assistance project with the object of constructing a 300 meter tube well and a water conduit in a water deficient region.

Modern Bielsk Podlaski is an important industrial and service centre in the southern part of Podlaskie Voivodeship. Undoubtedly, the town can be proud of its numerous outstanding monuments, and its rich cultural and religious heritage, vivid proof of the diversity of rites, traditions and local customs, and the particular traits of hospitality of the Podlasie region.

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