Oficjalny serwis internetowy Miasta Bielsk Podlaski


Twin Towns


Svietlahorsk – Belorussia
The town is situated in the Svietlahorski Rajon of Нomieĺskaja Voblasć of Belarus. Until 1961 it was a small village, called Shatylky (Шацілкі). It is the capital of Svietlahorsk region, with a population of 72.000 people. This is one of the biggest town in that part of Belorussia. Its territory is about 600 ha, where 60 ha are parks. The main industries include: the power plant, a chemical man-made fiber plant, a reinforced concrete industrial complex, a Petroleum producing industry, a pulp and paper milk industry, butter-making factory, a bakery, and an industrial college. Local factories develop manufacturing in the region, as well as cooperate with partners from Poland, Italy, Germany, the UAE, Korea, Great Britain and other countries. Agriculture plays an important role in the economy of the region.
Partnership agreement with Svietlahorsk was signed on 6th of October 2006 in Bielsk Podlaski.

Călăraşi – Moldova
The town is situated in the central part of Moldova with a population of 13.000 people. The inspiration of the name for the town comes from the legend about horsemen (călăraşi). The nearby trade route, which was quite popular in Byzantine time, contributed to the development of the town. Presently, it is one of the biggest producers of wine and cognac in Moldova.
Partnership agreement  with Călăraşi was signed in Moldova on 31st of May 2008.

Călăraşi –  Romania
The town in situated in the north-east of Romania, in historical region of Wallachia, in one of the tributaries of the River Danube (arm of the river Borcea) with a population of  70 000 people. The town was founded by an Italian princess as a station on the way to Istanbul, and operated by local horsemen (călăraşi). The station had expanded, and in 1834 became the capital of the district. The industries of the town include: metallurgy, textile, comestible (fish), cellulose and paper and road junction (ferry on the Danube river).
Partnership agreement was signed on 29th of May 2010 in Bielsk Podlaski.

Dve Mogili – Bulgaria
A town situated in the north of Bulgaria in the picturesque region Ruse with a population of 5.000 people. The name of the town ‘Dve Mogili’s literal translation is “two hills” derived from its geographic features. The town and the region are valuable in terms of tourism. About 35 km from the town there is a cave called “Orlova Chuka” (bulg. Орлова чука).  With a length 13 500 m, it ranks as the second longest cave in Bulgaria. In 1965, it was registered on the list of the national nature places, due to the large number of bats living in the cave (about 10 000). In the region Ruse there is also a village called Ivanovo, near which there are rock churches that are registered with the UNESCO world heritage foundation.
Partnership agreement was signed on 20th of August 2010 in Dve Mogili.


Rahiv – Ukraine
The town is situated in the north-western part of Ukraine, in a mountain valley Tysy in the center of Ukrainian Carpathian mountains. Its population is about 17 000 people. It is the highest located town above the sea level among the other Ukrainian towns and is also known as the capital of Transcarpathian Hutsulshchyna. The first written record of the place dates back to the 1241. Town community is ethnically diverse: mainly Ukrainians, a large group of Hungarians, smaller group of Russians, Romanians, Germans and Gypsies. Rahiv is an administrative center of the Rahiv district in Transcarpathian region.
Partnership agreement was signed on 3rd of September 2012 in Rahiv.

Kingisepp- Russia
The town is situated in the Leningradskyi region, on the river Luga, and is populated by 50 000 people (in the region the population is 80 000). Kingisepp (formerly called Jamburg till 1922) is situated on the south-west of the region, 110 km from Sankt Petersburg and 25 km from Estonian state border. There are railways that connect two Russian metropolises, Moscow and Sankt Petersburg with the capital of Estonia, as well as highway Sankt Petersburg – Tallinn. In the distance of 60 km from the town there is one of the main Russian strategic objects, harbor Ust-Luga with multifunctional complex terminal with the custom and warehouse. Ferries run from here to German harbors. Industry includes: food, construction, chemistry, forestry and wood processing. One of the advantages of the region are vast investment opportunities in various spheres of the economy.  
Partnership agreement was signed on 5th of July 2013 in Kingisepp.

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October 2024



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